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Who We Are

Hi! We are your founding Alight House team...

We believe your kids need the very best materials to negotiate a modern world and to help them navigate their personal faith in God. These boxes combine a curiosity with the world and real learning opportunities with practical ways to think about faith. 


We hope these boxes will support you as parents, carers, grandparents in your family life. We hope they bring a fun, creative element into your home, making it easier to talk about faith with your kids, in your everyday!

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Angela and her husband have two kids and live in Hertfordshire, England. After graduating with a PGCE, Angela taught both children and adults for many years and is currently the Children's and Families Worker for her local church. She home-schooled her kids for a time and really loved doing crafts and experiments with them. They were just the best fun! She wondered if her children could have this amount of fun learning about the Bible and exploring faith. Then she met Celeste…the ideas started flowing and the rest is history.



From a young age, Celeste always had the desire to be a teacher. Her friends and teddy bears were her first pupils and by the time she reached her teens she had progressed on to being a youth leader with Scripture Union, working at camps and going on beach missions. When she came to London in 2000, she dived into volunteer work at her local church, where she worked  with children and youth of all ages. This is also where she met Angela. 

Celeste is a graphic designer and runs her own printing business based in North West London and Herts.

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