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The Jellyfish Prayer

Praying with kids is an interesting one and I’m sure you have struggled with it as much as I have over the years. Time has taught me some things though and Celeste and I have pooled all our creative energies to give you our next amazing kids box which will be out by Easter Holidays:


I have two kids and I prayer for them each night before they go to bed. Sometimes though a prayer stands out! Not because it is particularly different but because in that particular moment it felt as if God was craning his ear to hear the little whisper and was ready to act!

I call this the "jellyfish prayer".

We were on holiday a few years ago in Portugal near the sea. My then 7yr old boy had seen a large jelly fish advertised on the side of the aquarium. And on the night before we left, we prayed as we always do before bedtime. He suddenly blurted out, “Dear God please can I see a real jellyfish.”

I assured him that we would try our best to get to the aquarium, unsure how God would feel about such a direct request! We rushed there the next day but as it turned out, we didn’t have time to do the aquarium show. We did, however, have time to do a cable car ride over the bay. So we took to the air in a little car which gave us spectacular views over the bay. Towards the end of our journey, we looked down towards the harbour and there in the water were not 1 or 2 but 5 enormous jelly fish floating near the surface!

My son was overjoyed. God had in no mistaken terms answered his very specific prayer! I was equally amazed - actually slightly flabbergasted. Don’t underestimate the power of a child’s prayer, even the little whispers!!

We hope this box will awaken some more creative ways to help you and your child prayer and bring a freshness to your prayer journey together. May delightful and unexpected miracles happen because you and your child prayed!


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